A Change of Course

Exterior Almost Complete

None of us will ever forget this spring of 2020. I read recently that it’s like Mother Nature has sent us all to our rooms to think long and hard about our bad behavior. Covid 19. The optimist in me thinks that after that long and hard thinking, we are all going to come out of this enlightened and will want to continue in a better direction as an honor to those we’ve lost. With some inspired leadership we just might.

Nursery Furniture: Child’s Dresser #921 ($20.00) and Child’s Bed #919 ($16.00).

Gary and I are really OK at home with lots of projects to keep us busy. Of course, most mornings I head down to my shop to work on my little house, and he doesn’t see me until dinnertime. There’s been progress. The exterior is finished except for half of its 20 casement windows and a couple of exterior French doors. However, it may be the stress of the world’s situation that has caused me to set aside (tedious) windows and doors temporarily with all their tight measurements, tiny hinges, knobs and handles. I’ve been concentrating on furniture, most recently baby furniture for the nursery. It’s cute and comforting…like the embroidered miniature baby blanket. The little dresser will get its mirror when my Seattle glass store reopens. These are my first attempts at dovetailed drawers, and after some trial and error(sss), they’re acceptable. Not that anyone will see them when the drawers are closed, but it’s all about the challenge and my respect for Stickley’s beautiful furniture designs ( that ALL had dovetailed drawers for sure!).

Dovetail Detail on drawers of Child’s Dresser
Child’s Table #639 ($8.00) and Child’s “Settle” #211 ($8.00)