
Bricks and More Bricks

Brick wall
Rear wall almost complete

As I’ve said, I fell in love with the façade of the No. 99 “city house”, its third floor dormer, second floor “sleeping porch” (balcony off the master bedroom to you and me) screened by flower boxes for “privacy from the city street below”, main floor leaded windows, hooded entry door, big front porch with more flower boxes, and brick. Lots of it! Rough textured brick was the choice of Stickley for this city house with its fireproof-ness but also for its decorative quality. Brick’s color is natural and the surface is irregular enough to create a variation of light and shade over the wall. He wanted to avoid “any effect of monotonous regularity”. Stickley designed decorative recessed areas and even specified contrasting mortar and wide joints with that in mind.

Facade – bricking complete, beginning of slate roof in progress.

My task: where to find bricks. Miniature bricks. Real bricks. (I’m determined to keep my project a plastic-free environment.) I finally found them online at Stacey’s Miniature Masonry ( in England. It’s a miniature builders’ yard supplying hand-cut shaped stone, marble, brick, slate along with grit, pebbles, modeling dust and lead flashing specifically in the 1:12 scale (with other scales available on request). All products (including adhesives, grout, and tools) are securely packed and shipped promptly. Stacey’s site is full of advice on how to use their materials and a gallery of incredible project photos for inspiration (or intimidation!).  

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